Question: What is the demand service?
Ans: It is thinking only of the application you need for your organization as a service. No need to buy servers and invest in its maintenance. Both you and your colleagues can work within the same application to handle everything needed in an organization.
Question: What features can I do with tacnetting?.
Ans: In the current version access the full solution project management, customer management, supplier management, alert management, management facturació ny alert management.
Question: Can I customize TACnetting the corporate image of my business?.
Ans: Yes You can upload your own logo included when and completely changing the appearance of the application through your CSS style sheet.
Question: Are my data safe in tacnetting?
Ans: The security information is a fundamental requirement tacnetting. Guaranteed backup and data availability. Additionally, you as owner of the data, may at any time to export and download all the information your local computer. On the other hand, the accesses are encrypted under the SSL protocol.
Question: How much does it cost?
You can register online at the free version of tacnetting no cost.
Question: Whats so great in tacnetting?
Resp: tacnetting drastically reduces the costs to be made by you on servers, communications, hardware, maintenance, basic applications like antivirus, antispyware, VPNs, etc.. TACnetting offers you the possibility of Aquila the full service comes a point, if you wish to unsubscribe, you can take data with you at any time.